Tuesday, May 19, 2009

How much can one person learn?!

Me and my mom returned a few weeks ago from a photography workshop in San Francisco. We learned as much about ourselves as we did about photography! We learned from the amazing MeRa Koh and Brian, Rick Chapman, and Garrett Burdick! The entire first day was filled with tears... but there were just as many laughs!
I was so inspired by Rick and his work, that i was able to create this beautiful image of this amazing woman! She is 54 years old! Can you believe that?! She has the body of 30 year old. And she is absolutly beautiful! And as you can tell... she is also a very strong person.
Now its time to meet Victor. As i stared around the quiet plane, anxiously waiting for the plane to land, i looked to my right and I saw Victor. Rather than staring out the window, he was staring at his hand. I could only imagine the thoughts going through his head as he patiently waited to be in his wife's arms again. I hesitated, but I let Rick's voice play in the back of my head. "If you see an oppurtunity, ask the person if you can make a picture of them."
Victor traced the lines of his hands, but what struck me was his wedding ring. To me, it symbolized his wife. His kids. His family.

We also recently did two senior portrait sessions. Mor to come on those later!


  1. You have a BLOG!! Yippee! So fun to see some of your images from the workshop! I need to get on blogging mine!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Chelsie Rae G!!! I'm so proud of you! Love you, baby girl!

  4. I hope you guys are well. It was such a pleasure to meet you and your mom. I'm waiting over here to see your vision boards! Have you guys been cutting and gluing??

  5. so glad that you made it! it was great meeting you....take care.

  6. Chelsie, I love what you caught among the rocks and trees and falling water. What a powerful shot! So beautiful. :)

  7. Found out via FB about your blog! Congratulations girl! I smile everytime I think of you or see your photo. Awesome to hear your thoughts and your view of the world. Gorgeous photos - all of them if I do say so myself! ~ Much love, Genie
